Euphoriolanus (? - ?) is a happier man than Coriolanus (nonfiction).
Contract with Extract of Radium company
For several millenia, the Extract of Radium company employed Euphoriolanus as part-time Official Taster.
This arrangement ended abruptly when Euphoriolanus declared himself "The Great Euphorio" and swan-dove into the Radium Squeezer.
The Adulteration of Bergamot
Bergamot essential oil is particularly subject to adulteration, as it is produced in relatively small quantities.
Worldwide, each year, around three thousand tonnes of declared essence of bergamot are marketed, while the genuine essence of bergamot produced annually amounts to no more than one hundred tons.
Euphoriolanus is widely believed to own a copy of the supposedly lost erotic novel The Adulteration of Bergamot, which he demanded in return for his funding of a major Bergamot oil adulteration laboratory.
The Nacreum
Euphoriolanus occasionally gets himself committed to the Nacreum for what he he calls "a bit of recreational incarceration."
Braunschweiger of the Vanities
Euphoriolanus likes to make a show of ordering enormous quantities of Braunschweiger of the Vanities, only to stalk away in a huff without paying.
Clockwork Bard
Euphoriolanus has a spiteful grudge against the Clockwork Bard, a robot (nonfiction) programmed to simulate William Shakespeare (nonfiction) in world ravaged by nuclear war (nonfiction).
Fiction cross-reference
- A Clockwork Bard for Liebowitz
- Braunschweiger of the Vanities
- Coriolanus
- Euphoria
- Euphorium
- Euphoriumalism - compare Triumphalism (nonfiction)
- Extract of Radium
- John Brunner
- Nacreum
- Radium Squeezer
- The Adulteration of Bergamot