Naval Strength Body Wash
Naval Strength Body Wash is an alleged ration of high-proof aged rum secretly provided to certain "in the know" personnel in the Royal Navy for use as a body wash.
First reported by this author on the Boing Boing bulletin board
For King and Hygiene
"For King and Hygiene" is said [by whom?] to be the sub rosa motto of the so-called Body Washers (officers who covertly use the special rum ration as a body wash).
In popular culture
The cult film Invasion of the Body-Washers is loosely based on stories about Naval Strength Body Wash.
Association with scrimshaw abuse
Some evidence has emerged [citation needed] that Naval Strength Body Wash usage is a trigger for scrimshaw abuse episodes.
Rum, sodomy and lash scented candle
User dabeyc writes:
... do not want my soap to smell like jesus. or anyone in particular. but i had a rum, sodomy and lash scented candle once that i bought in the mall and it wasn’t terrible.
- Comment @ Boing Boing
In the News
Fiction cross-reference
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- How Pusser’s rum became the official drink of the British Royal Navy - The drink, which first quenched the thirst of workers and planters, crossed the oceans to reach America and Europe. India times: Last Updated: Oct 14, 2018, 09.25 AM IST
- Pusser And The Story Of Navy Rum by Joseph V. Micallef @ Forbes (Mar 21, 2020,10:17am EDT)