Oppenheimer: The Dark Knight
Oppenheimer: The Dark Knight is an American historical drama superhero film loosely based on the life of Robert Oppenheimer, starring Cillian Murphy and directed by Christopher Nolan.
In the News
Robert Oppenheimer and the Temple of Doom is a historical drama action-adventure film directed by Christopher Nolan and Steven Spielberg, and and starring Cillian Murphy as physicist-adventurer Robert Oppenheimer.
Oppenheimer: Infinity War is an American superhero historical drama film loosely based on the Manhattan Project.
The Private Afternoons of Robert Oppenheimer is an American historical hardcore adult film starring Barbara Bourbon and Cillian Murphy. It is loosely based on the Manhattan Project.
Farewell Barbieland (full title: The Day After 2: Farewell Barbieland) is a fantasy comedy nuclear war film directed by Greta Gerwig and Nicholas Meyer, and starring Margot Robbie, Jason Robards, and Ryan Gosling.
Fiction cross-reference
- Farewell Barbieland
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Oppenheimer: Infinity War
- Robert Oppenheimer and the Temple of Doom
- The Private Afternoons of Robert Oppenheimer
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Oppenheimer (film) @ Wikipedia
- Oppenheimer - trailer @ YouTube
- Oppenheimer - Trinity test @ YouTube
- Trinity @ YouTube
- Vision @ YouTube
- The Dark Knight Trilogy @ Wikipedia
- my favorite scarecrow scenes in the dark knight trilogy @ YouTube
Social media
- 2020s (nonfiction)
- 2023 (nonfiction)
- Bombs (nonfiction)
- Emily Blunt (nonfiction)
- Matt Damon (nonfiction)
- Robert Downey Jr. (nonfiction)
- Films (nonfiction)
- Ludwig Göransson (nonfiction)
- Manhattan Project (nonfiction)
- Cillian Murphy (nonfiction)
- Christopher Nolan (nonfiction)
- Nuclear war (nonfiction)
- Oppenheimer (film) (nonfiction)
- Robert Oppenheimer (nonfiction)
- Florence Pugh (nonfiction)
- War (nonfiction)
- War films (nonfiction)
- Weapons (nonfiction)
- World War II (nonfiction)
- Fiction (nonfiction)
- Batman Begins (nonfiction)
- The Dark Knight (nonfiction)
- The Dark Knight Rises (nonfiction)