Template:Selected anniversaries/November 1
1449: Canterbury scrying engine runs early version of ENIAC program, predicts Manhattan Project within 99.5% probability.
1592: Cornelius Drebbel predicts that The Eel will escape the Nacreum "the moment our backs are turned."
1595: "Priceless Scrimshaw collection shall be mine," vows pirate captain Cinnamon Jack.
1942: Wax seal on feeding tube enables supervillain Gnotilus to secrete geometry solvent directly into ENIAC.
1943: ENIAC ("Empty Noise Into Alien Communication") provides technical and aesthetic assistance to Manhattan Project.
1961: Phrenocratic craniometry provided free to qualified waifs.
1964: Publication of The Hal Jordan Playbook damages entire class of Gnomon algorithm functions.
1973: The Sprouts game, which Brainiac uses to envelope its prey.
2015: Early version of Analytical Engine happy to know that future versions will be even better.
2016: Black hellebore in black mood today.